How can real estate companies benefit from solar energy and avoid tax disadvantages? Find out more about the solar concept Sale and Lease Back.
Kristina Boschenriedter
Content Manager
Wondering which photovoltaic myths are true? Do you ask yourself what the differences between buying a photovoltaic system and renting solar power are? Or which ecological corporate goals should be on your agenda as a company? In our ENVIRIA blog, we regularly provide useful knowledge and new articles on solar topics – from roof requirements and planning steps through to electromobility.
How can real estate companies benefit from solar energy and avoid tax disadvantages? Find out more about the solar concept Sale and Lease Back.
Kristina Boschenriedter
Content Manager
What does photovoltaic funding for companies look like? What support programs are available at state, federal and EU level for large-scale PV systems? This article provides a clear summary of all current programs.
Jan Brendel
Content Manager
Electricity storage systems are on trend – and rightly so! Surplus solar energy is stored and can be released again at a later time as required. At the same time, storage systems can also be used specifically to generate additional revenue on the electricity market. In this article, we present five ways in which your company can benefit from an electricity storage system and how it can take advantage of market dynamics.
Marvin Mertens
Head of Power Products
More and more companies and private households are opting for photovoltaics on their own roofs. But what happens when the available roof space is running out, the solar system is getting old or the company wants to benefit from advances in solar technology? Solar repowering can help!
Matthias Lingg
Head of Engineering
There is a lot to consider when it comes to sourcing cheap green electricity. For this reason, we take a closer look at the different electricity procurement models and tell you what you should consider.
Jan Brendel
Content Manager
It can be observed all over the country: Electricity generation is gradually being switched to renewable sources such as solar energy. In 2023 alone, installed photovoltaic capacity in Germany grew by 14 gigawatts (GW) or 85% compared to the previous year. In order to drive the energy transition forward, electricity generation with larger PV systems is also to be significantly eased in the future.
Jan Brendel
Content Manager
The energy transition is in full swing. Following the sometimes heated discussions in Germany last year about the Building Energy Act (GEG), often referred to as the "Heating Act", a further step has now been taken in Brussels.
Jan Brendel
Content Manager
Sustainability has become a buzzword and compliance with ESG criteria is already mandatory for many companies. But what does sustainability actually mean and why is it so important for companies? We shed more light on this in our blog post.
Tatjana Müller
Content Manager
From price stability and electricity sales to tax benefits and customer loyalty: photovoltaics can benefit companies on many levels. In the following blog article, we reveal the extent to which you can save money or even earn money through solar energy.
Tatjana Müller
Content Manager
There are many ways to be a sustainable and climate-friendly company. One of them is to produce your own solar power with a photovoltaic system. But should a company buy or rent a solar system? What are the advantages respectively and what needs to be considered for each option? We explain.
Tatjana Müller
Content Manager
A photovoltaic system is a worthwhile investment in an ecofriendly future – not just in summer. Even in the cold season, it generates electricity yields that lead to cost savings and greater sustainability for companies. Read this blog post to find out why snow and cold temperatures cannot stop the positive effects of a PV system.
Tatjana Müller
Content Manager
A solar installation on the roof is a forward-looking and sustainable undertaking. But does your roof meet the right requirements? What about roof statics and roof pitch, for example? We have summarized the most important aspects in this blog post.
Edgar Alan Ramirez Hernandez
Head of Project Management
Environmental awareness is one of the most relevant factors that convince job seekers to apply for a job. In this article, we explain how to recognize sustainable companies and what job seekers (should) look out for.
Tatjana Müller
Content Manager
A new year is approaching and so is the opportunity for change. Ecological goals are on the top of the agenda. But which ones are to choose? ENVIRIA offers some inspiration in this blog post.
Tatjana Müller
Content Manager
Sie möchten sich als Unternehmen nachhaltiger aufstellen und suchen nach dem passenden Solarkonzept? Lesen Sie unseren Beitrag zu unseren vielseitigen ENVIRIA-Solarkonzepten.
Ralph Stemper
Sie möchten sich als Unternehmen unabhängiger vom Energiemarkt aufstellen? Für eine Energiewende im eigenen Betrieb gibt es verschiedene nachhaltige Optionen. Erfahren Sie mehr in diesem Beitrag.
Ralph Stemper
Ein Gewerbedach ist eine freie Fläche, die sich ideal anbietet für nachhaltige Konzepte wie Photovoltaik oder auch für eine Dachbegrünung. Was es damit auf sich hat, erfahren Sie in diesem Beitrag.
Marcel Jastram
Energiepreise zu senken, ist die Herausforderung der Stunde für energieintensive Unternehmen. Wie dies gelingt, zeigt der folgende Kurzbeitrag.
Alexandra Siokou