4 things that CEOs should watch out for when going solar
Dominik Huber
Rising energy costs, a looming recession and unstable supply chains – the economy has been thoroughly shaken up over the last months. With the effects of yet another crisis catching up with consumers, small and medium-sized companies are already feeling the added weight and pressure on their businesses.
High time for CEOs to look for long-term alternatives to combat unpredictable energy costs – or a good way to fight inflation by finally utilizing previously unused areas like their roof. Nowadays, building a solar power plant is no longer a choice between ecology and economy – with the question moving from an indecisive “why?” to a confident “how?”.
But going solar is not that simple if you are unsure how to navigate through the many pitfalls and paragraphs without a qualified and trustworthy partner as your guide. Otherwise, Murphy’s law will spring into action and something will definitely go wrong, leaving you and your company to pick up the pieces. But don’t worry – to give you a head start on your solar journey, we compiled a list of 4 important things to watch out for.
Actually, it can be much easier than you think
Many CEOs underestimate the number of internal resources needed to handle the bureaucracy of going solar – and they assume that they themself must know every single regulatory issue. With the right help, renewable energy can be achieved much easier!
Germany is known for its stoic thoroughness, always crossing all the Ts and dotting every Ü, but also for its overwhelming bureaucracy. Since chances are, this is the first and maybe only solar project you’ll oversee – someone whose daily business is handling the necessary forms and stakeholders involved knows how to maneuver around all the usual topics when going solar.
Many things can go wrong, but don’t have to
Operational risks like an underperforming asset and the need for maintenance or repairs can appear anytime – having an experienced partner is crucial to keeping the system running and profitable.
As with any complex equipment, regular check-ups and repairs will be necessary during the lifetime of any solar system. But this can be factored in beforehand to avoid bad surprises. The best way to keep your system lucrative is finding an associate that knows the ins and outs of your system – because they are the ones who designed and built it.
There are solar options without acquisition cost
Investing isn’t the only way to profit from solar energy – models like roof leasing or Energy-as-a-Service might be the right concept to enable your company’s energy transition.
Not every company can allocate the necessary budget to invest in a large-scale solar system up front – but there are more options to choose from. Depending on your core business, how much energy is used on-site, and other factors, renting a solar system might be the more feasible option for you. Alternatively, even if you don’t consume much electricity on your premises, you can still profit from solar energy – for example by leasing your roof for a fixed fee and tapping into the massive potential for an extra revenue stream. To avoid the invest-only mindset, a flexible partner with a range of concepts can help you find the best fitting way for you to go solar.
Being more sustainable isn’t the only benefit
Supplying low-cost electricity to tenants (or yourself) is an additional improvement for every property owner. What you might not know: Many roofs can be retrofitted to host a solar system at little or no cost – including renovation!
Going solar comes with very few trade-offs – it’s usually a game where everybody wins, not only you as the owner of a property but also your tenants and, of course, the environment. Some CEOs might make the mistake of being too focused on one of the benefits alone, missing the whole picture and full potential that solar energy can offer. A good partner can help spark up your imagination and also make previously unfit roofs solar-ready – thinking beyond solar by informing you about green roofs, for example.
If you are eager to go solar with your company and don’t want to make the same mistakes that others made in the past, there is no way around it: You need a qualified collaborator who has completed a variety of different projects and takes care of every step of the way, from financing and planning to building and maintenance. ENVIRIA has made a name for themselves providing just that – a one-stop shop that makes your company’s energy transition radically easy!
Mit ENVIRIA radikal einfach Ihre eigene Energiewende starten
Our solar concepts cover both OPEX and CAPEX solutions – and if you don’t know yet which one is the right fit for your business, we are happy to help you find it. With over 500 completed projects and over 100 MWp of power installed, we have the essential track record to help your business make their energy transition.
Have a look at our different concepts – and at any time, feel free to reach out to our sales team to book a free consultation.