Solar package I: How companies can benefit from the new regulation
Jan Brendel
Content Manager
It can be observed all over the country: Electricity generation is gradually being switched to renewable sources such as solar energy. In 2023 alone, installed photovoltaic capacity in Germany grew by 14 gigawatts (GW) or 85% compared to the previous year.
In order to drive the energy transition forward, electricity generation with larger PV systems is also to be significantly eased in the future. This is why the German government has introduced a number of important changes with the solar package, which offer companies exciting opportunities.
What to expect in this article: Solar Package 1 - a "climate protection booster"?
In this blog article, you will find an overview of the most important new provisions and changes. In principle, Solar Package 1 is part of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) 2023, which was adopted by the German government in August 2023.
It builds on the German government's photovoltaic strategy, which was presented by Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Robert Habeck in May 2023. Find out everything you need to know now in our article.
Overview: What is included in Solar Package 1?
On April 26, the Bundestag and Bundesrat approved the "Act to amend the Renewable Energy Sources Act and other energy industry regulations to increase the expansion of photovoltaic energy generation", better known as "Solar Package 1". The provisions set out in this package are intended to make a significant contribution to achieving the state expansion targets.
These targets are ambitious: 80 percent of gross electricity consumption is to be covered by renewable energies by 2030. Solar capacity is to increase from the current 82 gigawatts to an impressive 215 gigawatts. From 2026, the legislator is aiming to install solar systems with an annual output of 22 gigawatts.
The new regulation lays the foundation for this enormous growth by reducing bureaucratic hurdles and promoting solar expansion in a targeted manner. One focus of the law is on commercial PV and solar systems on commercial properties. This is where the potential is particularly high. According to a survey by the German Solar Industry Association, only around 10 percent of suitable commercial roofs are currently being used for photovoltaic systems.
PV system on the roof: What are the benefits for businesses?
Roof PV helps companies cover their own energy requirements and reduce their ecological footprint at the same time. Solar energy can lower energy costs in the long term and reduce dependence on conventional energy sources. Last but not least, owners of solar systems can benefit from government subsidies offered as part of Solar Package 1.
Summary: The most important developments for PV systems on commercial roofs
An important aim of the solar package is to facilitate and accelerate the expansion of commercial rooftop PV. To this end, the remuneration for the partial feed-in of systems in the range between 40 and 750 kilowatts (kW) was increased by 1.5 cents from 5.74 cents to 7.64 cents per kilowatt hour (kW/h). This means that the installation of a rooftop PV system for commercial roofs will also be worthwhile even if only part of the green electricity generated is consumed by the company itself.
At the same time, the Federal Network Agency will significantly increase the tender volumes for large rooftop PV systems. Starting in 2026, it will rise from the previously planned 1.1 gigawatts to an impressive 2.3 gigawatts. This will also significantly increase the funding volume for green electricity provided under the EEG.
The thresholds above which participation in direct marketing is mandatory have also been made more flexible. In the future, operators of plants with a capacity of more than 200 kilowatts will be able to feed their residual electricity into the grid without remuneration, but also without any marketing costs. This is intended to prevent the costs of direct marketing from exceeding the revenue from the electricity volumes fed into the grid, as was often the case in the past, particularly for plants with a high proportion of self-consumption.
In addition, the regulations on the required system certificates have been simplified. Hereon, PV systems will only require a certificate from a feed-in capacity of 270 kilowatts or an installed capacity of more than 500 kilowatts, instead of the previous 135 kilowatts. This will make the implementation of systems below these thresholds significantly cheaper.
The most important technical and regulatory changes
The so-called system aggregation will be simplified. In the future, systems on outbuildings and in outdoor areas subject to building regulations can receive the same EEG remuneration as PV roof systems in indoor areas.
The speed of approvals is to be significantly increased. Grid connection applications submitted between July 1, 2024 and January 1, 2025 are to be processed within one month.
Technical connection conditions (TAB), which were previously defined differently by each of the 850 grid operators in Germany, are to be published and standardized nationwide. However, it is not yet clear when this process will be completed.
Other important changes with the new solar package
The flexible use of storage systems ("multi-use") is simplified if it is ensured that only electricity from renewable sources is temporarily stored.
The use of solar power without grid feed-through for tenants, including in the commercial sector, will be significantly simplified. The "shared building supply" (‘Gemeinschaftliche Gebäudeversorgung’) instrument was introduced for this purpose. In addition, technical requirements for "tenant electricity" (‘Mieterstrom’) have been lowered and the promotion of systems on ancillary facilities and garages, for example, has been made possible.
Conclusion: The solar package makes solar even more attractive for companies
The framework conditions for switching to solar power have never been better. While commercial rooftops were already an attractive way to benefit from the energy transition and optimize your own ecological footprint, outbuildings and buildings in the outdoor area can now also be used. Tenant electricity models in the commercial sector can also be used profitably and increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of your company.
Last but not least, PV systems help to achieve climate targets by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to climate protection. Companies that decide to install PV systems demonstrate their commitment to environmental protection and sustainability, which makes them more attractive to environmentally conscious consumers. In addition, costs can be reduced and your company's ESG rating can be improved.
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https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/aktuelles/solarpaket-photovoltaik-balkonkraftwerke-2213726 (Source: Status 28.05.2024).
https://www.bmwk.de/Redaktion/DE/Downloads/S-T/solarpaket-im-ueberblick.pdf (Source: Status 28.05.2024).
https://www.bmwk.de/Redaktion/DE/Downloads/Gesetz/20230816-uberblickspapier-solarpaket.pdf (Source: Status 28.05.2024).
https://www.bmwk.de/Redaktion/DE/Meldung/2023/20230505-photovoltaik-strategie.html (Source: Status 28.05.2024).
https://www.pv-magazine.de/2024/04/16/solarpaket-1-geht-mit-einigen-aenderungen-und-ohne-resilienzbonus-in-den-ausschuss/ (Source: Status 28.05.2024).
https://www.bne-online.de/bne-stellungnahmen-photovoltaik-paket/ (Source: Status 28.05.2024).
https://www.solarwirtschaft.de/2024/04/26/gruenes-licht-fuer-klimaschutz-booster/ (Source: Status 28.05.2024).
Content Manager
Jan Brendel
Content Manager Jan Brendel creates versatile content on the topics of renewable energies, solar and photovoltaics at ENVIRIA. He has worked as a copywriter and author in various industries and has gained a deep understanding of the needs and requirements of companies over the years. Among other things, he has written scientific papers in the industrial and manufacturing sectors (mechanical and plant engineering, logistics, etc.). His passion for music is at least as great as his passion for the energy transition of companies.